Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Road Rage

This evening I was in a filthy mood. I would normally put on a happy face for professional reasons, which would soon become a genuinely happy face through love of my work. But christ, tonite it was forced, and I felt I cast a gloom over my class, as they seemed stressed / unco-ordinated / uptight too. We all seemed to be having a bad day. I tried to perk up.

I don't even know why I was in a foul mood. Sure I was late, as I frequently am, due to my crap time-keeping / willingness to be distracted / lack of backbone / whatever.

As I pulled over to park, someone in a car drove at me somewhatly aggressively despite my indicating my intention to pull over and park. I was there first. They pissed me off no end, so I stood on my horn. They 'beeped' back. I stood on my horn full time, and would have swivelled round and chased them down the road, were I not late, and the road full of of traffic. I would have driven them over into the roadside and challenged them to discuss matters further, OUT of the confines of their safe little shitty boxy car. Me being me, I could have mashed their silly little head into their their car and taught them a lesson in being nice and polite. I pack muscle outside of my car as well as when I'm sitting in it.

But I was late, and so my aggression / misanthropia carried over into class. It did dissipate eventually. I am a good teacher, and try to not take the piss.

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